Our play-based curriculum is based on a child's natural instinct to learn through play and exploration.  We provide the environment, materials, and encouragement that leads to their discoveries.  Outdoor exploration is a key part of our curriculum, and our large garden, playground, and outdoor art space allows children to explore in a safe and beautiful natural environment.  We explore our community and city by taking regular neighborhood walks and field trips. 

Walking from Key School to the Little Red Playschool


  • To help children become kind and caring participants in a world that includes everyone.  

  • To create the feeling that everyone is equally worthwhile.

  • To focus attention on the whole child: social, emotional, intellectual and physical growth.

  • To begin to learn the life skills of cooperation, self-confidence, independence, responsibility, and respect for ourselves and each other.

  • To stimulate natural curiosity.

  • To encourage tolerance and diversity.


Reading about dinosaurs with Amanda

Activities and learning

  • Socialization through play: sharing, taking turns, free choice, cooperation.

  • Early Literacy: listening to stories, looking at books, discussions, drawing and writing.

  • Math Experiences: use of manipulative materials, baking and cooking .

  • Science: magnets, water and sand play, sensory explorations, gardening, animals, experiments.

  • Creative Play: dress-up, movement, dramatic play, puppets

  • Art and Music: painting, cutting, pasting, collage, singing, dancing, playing instruments.

  • Physical: outdoor play, playground experiences, bikes, balls, nature hikes.

  • Community: field trips, neighborhood walks, non-fiction picture books, discussions.